Presenter Guidelines

Scheduled to give a talk at an upcoming Code People meeting? Great! We're excited to learn from you.

We strongly prefer presentations that are available via a public URL, like Google Slides. Please follow the steps below to make it easy for you and others to get to your Google slides presentation:

  1. Share the presentation and create a shareable link. Copy the link address for creating a z-link later.
  2. Set the link permission to "Anyone with the link can view". Accessing the presentation from this link will still allow you to use the presenter mode.
  3. Using the shareable link, create a z-link URL for the presentation
  4. Use the z-link URL to get to the presentation at the presenter computer during the meeting
  5. Provide the z-link URL in your presentation for the viewers to access your presentation directly

We provide a computer with everything set up for the presentation. If you must present using your own laptop, here is a list of things to check to make sure your talk goes as smooth as possible!

  1. Install Zoom
  2. The presentation link is
  3. Turn off your desktop notifications
  4. Make sure your laptop can connect to our displays.
    The following connections are available for you to use. If your laptop uses USB-C or some other connection, make sure you bring the appropriate adapter.
    • VGA
    • HDMI
    • Thunderbolt
  5. Make sure your laptop is charged.
  6. If possible, connect to the network via ethernet.

Lightning talks

Lightning talks are very short, informal presentations about a specific topic. These are usually given after the other talks at each Code People meeting.

How It Works talks

How IT Works talks are 10-15 minutes in length and are created using a common template. These talks are well suited for presenting about an application or a website as a complete package with an eye towards describing how it was built. The Google slideshow template helps someone to put a presentation together with less effort. Please make a copy of the template and fill in the necessary slots for your application.